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AD/DA Converters For Sale on Reverb

They're not as exciting as expansive effects units, but if you find yourself without an AD/DA (analog-digital audio) converter, you find yourself without a modern studio. Here on Reverb, you can brush up on every converter-related topic from interviews with boutique builders to a detailed breakdown of analog and digital to the real differences between a converter and an interface.

Whether you're considering the popular Focusrite Clarett Octo-Pre or the Lynx Aurora 16 Master Converter found in studios across the world, Reverb has a broad range of AD/DA converter options with prices to match any setup and budget.

What to Consider When Buying an AD/DA Converter

The conversion of analog to digital and vice versa is a practice found everywhere from home studios to sports stadiums, and there are a few key points to consider when making a purchase:

  • Application: Touching back on the above point: the number of channels and onboard power of a converted should be dictated by its intended use. For example: if you're improving the setup of a small- to mid-size studio, an eight-channel unit will suit your needs, whereas wiring a large broadcast system calls for more horsepower.
  • Connectivity: If you're working with an ADAT (Alesis Digital Audio Tape) output, you'll need an ADAT input. The same rule applies for S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface). Analog connections tend to be a bit easier in that most feature D-sub outputs which accept XLR or 1/4" inputs.
  • Sampling Rate: Simple rule: the higher the sampling rate, the more digital processing your setup will be able to handle. Larger sampling rates tend to primarily be concerns of professional engineers and producers.

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