We think it’s safe to say that Radiohead is one of the most revered of modern-day rock bands. Their ability to be experimental, yet accessible; to be catchy, yet “out there;” and their capacity to build a musical identity that is ever-changing — but never loses the essence of who they truly are as a band — has given Radiohead a certain staying power. And that’s been no different with the recent release of A Moon Shaped Pool.
And if this new release has revived your love of Radiohead and brought them to the forefront of your mind, like it did for us, then this is the Learn to Play for you. Joe takes us through some classic Radiohead riffs off works like the seminal OK Computer, the well-loved follow-up Kid A, Hail to the Thief, and In Rainbows.
Watch the video above to learn how to play riffs from “Airbag,” “Optimistic,” “Go To Sleep,” and “Body Snatchers,” and then click the banner below to shop the gear of Radiohead.
The Gear of Radiohead