Last fall, She Knows Tech hosted its first Flash Beats Lab. Dozens of women and non-binary+ producers and creatives from all corners of the globe connected via Zoom and participated in a virtual speed production challenge.
The entrants simultaneously produced individual tracks within a two-hour time block, submitted their work, and were judged on arrangement, sound design, and mix. Even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact was awesome—and deserving of an epic sequel.
This Friday, Flash Beats Lab is back as part of the weekend’s She Knows Tech Summit. And if that wasn’t already exciting enough, there are also big prizes involved…

For the upcoming challenge, there will be an open-voting process that will be equally weighed with feedback from special guest judges Elysha Zaide (ill-esha), Keeley Bumford (Dresage), and Ebonie Smith to select a winner. Any and all DAWs are welcome.
If you’re a women or non-binary+ producer/artist who is interested in participating in the Flash Beats Lab this Friday (March 5 at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT), you can learn more about it on She Knows Tech’s website and register here.
"The She Knows Tech Flash Beats Lab has been the greatest production challenge I've ever participated in. Not only are the prizes SPECTACULAR but the people are even more amazing. Being alongside such talented female-identifying producers all in our zone of creativity is the coolest experience. So happy She Knows Tech has taken such a great initiative for uniting us female producers!" —Paniz Farokhnia, winner of last fall’s Flash Beats Lab.
"We want to channel waves of trained women into technical roles in the music industry and dispel the notion that there are not enough female professionals in music production and technology. We dream of working in a music industry that is flooded with female-identifying producers, engineers & tech performers." This is the mission statement of She Knows Tech, and the organization has been hard at work devising ways to make that dream a reality. From digital summer boot camps to mentorship and training programs, SKT provides women in the music tech industry with a platform to showcase their work and vital resources to help them succeed.

Though Friday’s Flash Beats Lab remains open to women and non-binary+ creators only, the SKT Summit is open to all—and it promises to be an amazing experience for attendees.
With a host of masterclasses from the likes of prolific sound engineer Marcella "Ms Lago" Araica and producer/performer Rachel K Collier, workshops with inspiring artists such as Bad Snacks and Kilamanzego, networking events, discussion panels, and a massive virtual elektronica music festival to close out the celebration, there is something for everyone who wants to learn about and/or witness excellence in sonic architecture.
You can purchase tickets for the Summit, or exclusively register for the Flash Beats Lab here.