What do you do when you've already made a perfect drive pedal? Make it a little more special.
EarthQuaker Devices' original Speaker Cranker accomplished exactly what it set out to do—crank some extra gain into your amp's speaker. But with the new Special Cranker, EQD has now revisited the one-knob, no-frills design and added a few frills that enhance the original circuit and give you a new tonal flavor.

The goal of the Special Cranker is to keep all of your amp's natural character, but heighten it with extra gain and dirt—the type of saturation you'd hear if your amp had an extra, overloaded preamp tube.
While the original had only a silicon clipping option, the Special Cranker lets you switch between silicon and germanium, which will give you a softer, more vintage-style sound than the brighter, tighter silicon.
Watch Andy demo the Special Cranker with guitar and bass above, and order your own Reverb now.