Not to take anything away from the instrument of the theremin—it is a very cool instrument all by itself—but one of the coolest parts about Moog's new Etherwave Theremin is that you can use it to control other instruments and devices too.
That's because, unlike previous models, this latest Etherwave has three control voltage (CV) outputs: Volume CV Out, Pitch CV Out, and Gate CV Out. This means you can use it as a unique controller for any of your CV-equipped gear. Want to interface with your Eurorack or semi-modular synth rigs? Control parameters on CV-input guitar pedals? Such playful ideas are now possible.
In our video above, we're using the Etherwave to control sounds from Moog's Mother-32 and a collection of CV-equipped effects pedals from Dreadbox: including the Komorebi, Lethargy, and Kinematic.

If you're more interested in playing the Theremin for its own signature sound, Moog's Etherwave Theremin has everything you could want and more. It has the classic five-octave pitch range of previous models, with adjustable volume and pitch controls to dial in settings for your hands-free performance.
Built for seasoned players or beginners, the Etherwave Theremin comes with a colorful collection of tutorials and guides to teach you how to play and progress with the instrument.
Order the Etherwave Theremin on Reverb now for $899. Or learn more about the instrument below.