Yamaha Motif ES 8

Yamaha Motif ES 8

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Motif ES 8 Production Synthesizer
  • Gray
  • 2000s
Made In
  • Japan
Analog / Digital
  • Digital
Key Size
  • Full Size
Keyboard Action
  • Weighted
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
  • MIDI Through
Number of Keys
  • 88 Keys
  • 128 Voices


Built from 2003 to 2007, the Yamaha Motif ES 8 was the progeny of Yamaha's original Motif series, combining features of the old Motifs with updated appointments. With 128 voices, this polyphonic synth takes a highly advanced sequencer and arranger, a broad synth library and an impressive sampler and jam-packs it all into one expansive 88-key workstation. For whatever you need to do, the Motif ES 8 is surely up to the task.

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