Istanbul Agop Xist Ion China Cymbal 18in (1080g)
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Istanbul Agop 18" Xist Ion China

Istanbul Agop 18" Xist Ion China

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • 18" Xist Ion China
  • Traditional
  • 2010s
  • 18"


Operating in its current incarnation since 2004 after creating a headquarters in the United States, Istanbul Agop is one of the cymbal industry's leaders in crafting traditional Turkish cymbals. The company was founded by and named after Agop Tomurcuk, who spent decades in Turkey's sole cymbal foundry learning the craft before creating his own company.

Introduced as Istanbul's first beginner cymbal series, the Xist line features B20 alloy and is constructed with pre-poured moulds hammer-finished by hand.

The Ion China features concentric holes drilled throughout the bow for added complexity and trashiness.

Years of production: 2009-present

Tonal profile: modern, projecting, cutting

Notable features: black logo stamping

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