Meet the EMS Polysynthi. Released in 1978, Polysynthi stands out as one of the rarest synthesizers ever developed. Despite being unable to rival other prominent polysynths at the time, this extraordinary machine offers incredible potential for analog filtering and effects processing.

Technically speaking, it's paraphonic instead of true polyphonic. It has a 49-key pressure sensitive keyboard, two VCOs producing triangle, square, and pulse waveforms which can be independently mixed, as well as a noise generator and an external input with an envelope follower. Its two voltage-controlled LFOs, armed with sine and variable pulse waveforms, permit users to modulate each other or the envelopes, VCA, or filter. This provides a way for you to use keyboard voltage to control more than just pitch. The standout feature of the Polysynthi is its analog delay line, which allows for effects like chorus, flanging, reverb, or other time-based processing. The delay time can be controlled by the keyboard voltage as well as by the LFO. While it was certainly innovative for its time, its control panel was not as easily accessible to musicians compared to other more popular synths of the era.
Despite its use by iconic bands like Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk, the Polysynthi was sadly unable to make a dent as commercial success for EMS, who was in desperate financial straits upon its release. Only about thirty units were ever manufactured before they suddenly vanished. As such, this listing could and should be displayed in a museum. But is it worth twice the price of a Yamaha CS-80 or even a luxury vehicle? We'll let you decide that for yourself. It's worth noting that while the seller is taking offers, they only wish to do local pickup, so this one is truly meant for serious buyers only.