Celestion has made a name for itself as the speaker-maker of choice for some of the biggest names in amplification today, and it's not due to plain luck. In fact, the company crafted the first ever dedicated guitar speaker, solidifying the brand's place as "the voice of rock and roll." From Hendrix to Slash to Brian May and Steve Vai and Eddie Van Halen -- the list goes on and on. Some of the most famous guitarists who have carved out what we now perceive as modern rock have been playing through Celestions for decades, whether they're Vintage 30s or Celestion Greenbacks or any number of bass-configured options. Celestion is undoubtedly one of the most important players in the creation of modern rock and roll -- and you've got them to thank for a lot of your favorite songs and sounds. Shop new and used Celestion speakers on Reverb today.
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