Korg Electribe Sampler 2 Music Production Station

Korg Electribe Sampler 2 Music Production Station

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Electribe Sampler 2
  • Red
  • 2010s
Analog / Digital
  • Digital
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
Number of Pads
  • 16 Pads
  • 24 Voices


Summoning the same lightning-fast production and rig connectivity as the first iteration along with a demanded chain pattern function and new cache of samples, the Korg Electribe Sampler 2 Music Production Station is a high-powered brain for your electronic rig in the size of a paperback book. 24-voice polyphony and a 16-step sequencer give you options from grimy beats to thick basses as a standalone experience, and when paired with other gear, the Sampler 2's onboard effects and intuitive interface lead you to new inspiration whether on stage or in your home studio.

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A keyboard, a guitar, and a pedal

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